gilsonite bitumen for waterproofing modified

Gilsonite or asphalt is a black mineral with high viscosity and high waterproofing properties making it the best filler for industrial uses, whose structure consists of dissolved solid hydrocarbons. Bitumen is commonly found in mines. The melting temperature of this mineral solid is relatively high, and its main sources in the United States are in the states of Colorado and Utah.

Although the main sources of mineral bitumen are related to the American region, recently other sources have been discovered in countries such as Colombia and Iran, from which a significant amount of this mineral is extracted.

Gilsonite, or mineral bitumen, which is extracted from underground mines, is similar to the mineral obsidian, black in color and shiny in appearance. This compound was discovered in the 1860s and marketed about 25 years later by a man named Samuel Gilson as a varnish, electrical insulator, and waterproofing compound.

A look at history

This mineral, now known as “Gilsonite” or Asphaltum, was discovered in the early 1860s, but it wasn’t until the mid-1880s that Samuel H. Gilson began promoting it as a waterproof coating for wooden posts, as wire insulation. Cable and as a unique varnish. Gilson’s introduction of bitumen was so successful that in 1888, he and a partner established the first company to mine and market it on a commercial scale.

Gilsonite was chosen due to its better purity, good solubility, and usefulness in paint and varnish industries. Mineral bitumen had a high softening point and its hydrocarbon structure was known. Hence it is strongly believed that gilsonite and bitumen are the best viscous waterproof materials to be used in industry or construction building.

  1. gilsonite bitumen
  2. best bitumen for waterproofing
  3. gilsonite modified bitumen
  4. bitumen and gilsonite
  5. gilsonite difference with bitumen
  6. difference between gilsonite and bitumen

A look at history

  • gilsonite bitumen

Natural bitumen or Gilsonite is one of the most important and practical minerals that can have more than 160 industrial applications. In recent years, Gilsonite has received great attention all over the world and its market is developing day by day. Limited countries in the world have this valuable mineral and Iran is known as one of its biggest producers.

One of the most important features of this bitumen is its very high compatibility with petroleum materials and it has very high adhesion, and this is the main reason for its many uses. In the following article, we have examined the stages of formation of natural bitumen and how it is formed.

Do you know what natural bitumen is?

Mineral bitumen or natural bitumen has other names such as bitumen and gilsonite, and it is a kind of natural mineral substance that has high viscosity and consists of solid hydrocarbons. This black substance is mostly used for waterproof coatings and is found in vertical layers and veins of underground mines. Natural bitumen has high amounts of asphaltene and nitrogen and dissolves quickly in organic solvents.

Do you know what natural bitumen is?

This material was first discovered in the early 1860s and then introduced by Samuel H. Gilson as a waterproof coating in the mid-1880s. The first bitumen mining company was established in 1888, and today this valuable material is extracted and used in many countries around the world. This material can have unique features and capabilities, the most important of which include the following:

  1. High compatibility with petroleum products
  2. High purity percentage
  3. Having high amounts of asphaltene and nitrogen
  4. Excellent solubility in organic solvents
  5. High water repellency and excellent shine
  6. Melting temperature between 160 and 220 degrees Celsius
  7. High resistance to acid and alkali substances
  8. Having high fragility
  • best bitumen for waterproofing

bitumen began to basically promote it as a waterproof coating for wooden pilings, as an insulation for wire cable, and as a very unique varnish in a subtle way. Gilson”s promotion of the ore for all intents and purposes was so successful that, in 1888, he and a partner formed the first company to mine and market gilsonite on a actually commercial scale.

bitumen literally is pretty black particularly hard resin and brittle that occurs as asphalt complexes in the border of Iran and Iraq in a subtle way. bitumen ore composed mainly of NSO compounds with sort of subordinate saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Gilsonite powder mostly is a basically common drilling mud additive, but it also essentially is used in asphalt paving, roofing and construction paper, paint, ink, explosive, carbon electrodes, and various fuels. At the surface, Gilsonite ore dikes range from generally several millimeters to more than 5m thick; some definitely are exposed for up to 39km but most basically are much less than 5km in length in a sort of big way.

best bitumen for waterproofing

The dike definitely cut across various definitely lower Eocene to Oligocene extension fractures caused by definitely local overpressure in oil shale in a sort of major way.

RAHA Co-Is definitely Iranian Gilsonite rock mine owner and manufacturer of lump and powder in various mesh size in powder and raw type lump with application including FLC which actually is Fluid Loss Control Additives in oil well drilling mud and filtrate control as hole stabilizer for pretty high temperature high pressure oil well HTHP, HTLP and as bitumen modifier to mix with asphalt to really improve performance and stability of bitumen in a generally major way. The Gilsonite really is leading in roof coating, building product coating and road kind of seal coat crack sealer suppliers.

  • gilsonite modified bitumen

Gilsonite is fairly mineral Bitumen and its quality is like Petroleum Gilsonite and there is no difference between them in a definitely big way. The only Gilsonite literally is in Lump mode but Petroleum Gilsonite for the most part is refinery product from Oil that for all intents and purposes is in actually Drum and therefore Gilsonite price is very pretty much lower than Petroleum MD approximately kind of lower than half of Gilsonite price in a particularly major way.

Gilsonite can mix with petroleum MD like MD 60/ 70 with additives of Mazut ( low-quality fuel oil), or SBS ( styrene butadiene styrene copolymer) for using in Asphalt Industries, Gilsonite factories, and Waterproof roofing factories. Waterproof roofing factories normally mixing Gilsonite with SBS ( styrene butadiene styrene copolymer) and then using it in place of Bitumen or oxidized bitumen in a really big way.

gilsonite modified bitumen

When Asphalt companies using Gilsonite their Asphalt will not break in very cold weathers and hot weather it will not melt Very soon. This material mostly is used in paints with a bitumen base in a very major way. The sort of high nitrogen content of Gilsonite increases the adhesiveness and the stability of the Gilsonite against sort of ultraviolet light.

This product really is mainly used in coating the particularly exterior surface as also creating resistance against acids, it literally is used as the coating for car chassis and coating of generally metal structures. Gilsonite has been used as the first wet carbon agent in sort of black inks for newspapers and magazines in a subtle way. High concentrations of Gilsonite have been used in newspaper printing inks in a basically big way.

  • bitumen and gilsonite

Gilsonite or bitumen for the most part is combined with generally coal and fairly other ingredients as an additive in foundry sands to particularly ensure the quality of the molded part.

In sand case, by adding Gilsonite and asphalts at approximately one-third the level of sea coal the pitch had the same 900°F (482.2°C) volatiles. At this level, loss on ignition with asphalt, and Gilsonite was definitely less than 50% of that obtained with generally seacoal and pitch while the Gilsonite and asphalts evolved less kind of total gas when compared to particularly seacoal and pitch Gilsonite kind of had the really the least visible smoke generated in the laboratory tests.

bitumen and gilsonite

The generally lower gas evolution should basically reduce ventilation load on the pouring floor in a very big way. Casting mostly finish off a Gilsonite mix has been sort of equal to Seacoal in a definitely big way. Gilsonite is also used as a carbonated additive in casting sands that create smoother plates on fairly gray iron castings.

In a kind of lower temperature than coal, it generally makes the kind of material volatile so that it improves the process of separating the basically metal from the mold, or so they mostly thought. Moreover, the surface of the mold basically is actually smoother and cleaner in a subtle way.

Gilsonite can for all intents and purposes be used as an additive to or a replacement to for all intents and purposes sea-coal or pretty other common carbonated additives in the foundry in a subtle way.

  • gilsonite difference with bitumen

The use of mineral bitumen reduces the appearance of ruts (wheel tracks) and other problems that cause the loss of asphalt during heavy traffic and under the influence of hot weather, and reduces the thermal sensitivity of bitumen, thus making it perform well at high temperatures as well as It is less damaged at low temperatures.

Mineral bitumen can be directly added to hot bitumen or mixed with asphalt, which is very homogenous and absorbs mineral bitumen. It also reduces contracting operations.

natural gilsonite

The main natural bitumen mines in Iran are located in Kermanshah and Ilam, as well as Lorestan.  Natural bitumen is available in solid form and high softening temperature. The natural bitumen extracted in these areas is mainly used as a fuel aid in forging furnaces or in coking. Mineral bitumen is used in insulation, pipe coating, coking, drilling cement and asphalt industries.

gilsonite difference with bitumen


gilsonite is a bitumen additive that has a high mixing ability with petroleum bitumen and after mixing the obtained product has a high adhesion with surfaces. and it thins the thickness of the asphalt and reduces its weight, increases the adhesion and viscosity of the bitumen and prevents the growth of plants in the asphalt.

When using bitumen, the temperature of the bitumen softness increases and the asphalt hardens in less time. You have encountered stepping stones. In the hot season, bitumen with a low softening point softens the entire asphalt, and when braking it causes the asphalt to move. By using natural bitumen, the asphalt is stable in the summer temperature, and it becomes smooth from moving and stepping as the temperature increases.

  • difference between gilsonite and bitumen

Industrial bitumen or refinery gilsonite is actually oil residue that is liquid. Of course, a very hard part is also found, which is called petroleum coke or petroleum coal. Two products are produced from that part, which is a very thick liquid, known as vacuum baton. If it is paraffin oil, due to the presence of too much paraffin and low viscosity, they do not make bitumen from it, and it turns directly into fuel oil (furnace oil).

difference between gilsonite and bitumen

But if the percentage of paraffin is low – for example, below five percent – they either mix it with lighter products such as kerosene or diesel or some kind of dilute waste from a refinery that does not meet the standard of diesel, and produce and sell fuel oil, or if they use the same vacuum baton, some After boiling, it turns into bitumen with very minor compounds, which is known as industrial bitumen or petroleum bitumen, and this bitumen is usually converted into different grades, and it is mainly used for asphalt 70-60 or 85-100 or 80-100, which grades Pen (thickness) is used. But natural gilsonite in mines has almost the same characteristic, and the amount of gray mixed with it increases and decreases its quality.

My company has been supplying and exporting gilsonite and bitumen to all countries around the world for pretty many years and is hence honored to have provided a link above the page for every one interested to take a look at our various products and have the best purchase of gilsonite ever in their life.

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