Original Gilsonite Wholesale Suppliers

The sale and purchase of original gilsonite in Iran to the domestic market and export markets has been done in large volumes and is very economical for both domestic and foreign customers. Before selling bitumen powder in the market, the best samples available in the market should be checked and the necessary research should be done on where the best producing area of ​​this product is. Companies in this field, sell gilsonite in bulk throughout the country and control the Iranian and world markets.

Original Gilsonite Wholesale Suppliers

Asphalt for All Kind of Industrial Uses

Asphalt for All Kind of Industrial Uses Cold asphalt is produced like hot asphalt at high temperatures. But the resulting mixture becomes flat and dense at room temperature. This feature of cold asphalt allows it to be stored and transported at distances farther from the place of mixing; This is an important advantage for environments where it is not possible to combine materials. Cold asphalt is used to seal and stain the road and surfaces that have already been asphalted, and due to the lack of high temperature of the mixture during application, this type of asphalt is in the category of environmentally friendly materials.

Protective asphalt is a type of asphalt that works by creating a surface cover and protecting the asphalt against weather and erosion factors. Due to its low thickness; this type of asphalt is easier to apply than hot and cold asphalt. In order to use protective asphalt, it is necessary to pay attention to climatic conditions; the amount of traffic and the volume of traffic, and the type of asphalt used. Gilsonite powder uses are of great importance in the civil engineering and urban planning industry.

All Types of Gilsonite for Sale

All Types of Gilsonite for Sale Asphalt for sale is done in various ways around the world. Iran’s export of gilsonite has led to an increase in the production of standard and high quality products in Iran and a healthy competitive environment in the country to produce a higher quality product to attract more customers. Applicants for this Iranian product can request their standard analysis and receive their goods in the shortest possible time. Advances in technology have led to the export of powdered bitumen and lumps can be provided at the customer’s request. The export of first-class gilsonite in the country has made it possible for the Iranian economy to generate currency, and as a result, despite the existing sanctions and international problems, stability has returned to the country’s market. Among Iran’s gilsonite export destinations are Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Russia, Georgia, UAE, Pakistan, India and many other countries that have become regular Iranian customers.

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