Premium Gilsonite in Drilling to Export

Gilsonite in drilling is exported to different countries, which has played an important role in the development of the country. Iran is one of the most important exporters of gilsonite in the world. The rich mines of this country in different parts of Iran, such as Gilan-e Gharb, Kermanshah, have caused our country to take the pulse of the world market in its hands and be among the three major centers in the world. Despite international sanctions and domestic economic problems, the country’s active mines are still being exploited and offering quality products to the world market.

Premium Gilsonite in Drilling to Export

Liquid Gilsonite for Drilling Fluid

Liquid Gilsonite for Drilling Fluid Mineral bitumen or gilsonite is pure hydrocarbon with melting point between 160 to 220 degrees Celsius found in bitumen mines and is actually hardened crude oil. Due to its common oil base, it is easily comparable to crude oil bitumen (refined bitumen). In combination, the molecules of gilsonite and Bitumen are very close to each other and when placed between each other, they form a compound that has the hardness and durability of gilsonite on the one hand, and nevertheless maintains the flexibility of Bitumen.

The high presence of nitrogenous compounds in gilsonite gives it high adhesion and at the same time increases oxidation resistance. Lack of sulfur compounds in the material also reduces the resulting products. Studies show that adding 5 to 15% MD to bitumen significantly increases the hardness and resistance to deformation without a significant effect on surface tension and elasticity. Gilsonite functions in drilling mud include:

  • Ability to work in very high temperature environments, high softening point between 175 to 235 ° C,.
  • Prevent damage to drill bits.
  • Prevent sticky drilling mud with oil base.
  • Polishing the surfaces of drilling wells and removing excess mud and drilling sludge.
  • Prevent bulking or agglomeration of rocky soil compounds.

First Rate Liquid Gilsonite Wholesale

First Rate Liquid Gilsonite Wholesale First rate liquid gilsonite Wholesale operates both online and offline. As many traders in the Iranian market know, gilsonite Iran is one of the best examples of gilsonite and Iran’s gilsonite reputation in the world has very special reasons. One of these reasons is access to many mines in our country. Also, very cheap prices for extraction are one of the best advantages of buying gilsonite from the Iranian market. Gilsonite liquid has a very wide target market and 50 countries in the world can be named as the largest consumers of gilsonite in the world. On the other hand, gilsonite is also used in many manufacturing and conversion industries in Iran. This issue has gained a large share of the gilsonite oilfield liquid market in the country.

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