Gilsonite Natural Bitumen for Sale

Gilsonite is a type of natural resin hydrocarbon that dissolves in aromatic petroleum solvents or fatty solvents such as petroleum bitumen. Gilsonite or bitumen is a valuable material in the road construction and insulation industry. In the following, we will introduce gilsonite natural bitumen sales centers which has offered this practical product at a wholesale and reasonable price.

Gilsonite Natural Bitumen for Sale

Best Black Gilsonite Roof Sheets

Best Black Gilsonite Roof Sheets Gilsonite natural is used as a preservative in hot paving mixtures. Modified joints increase pavement stability. In fact, the main function of gilsonite in this application is to improve pavement stability and their resistance to deformation which increases the load bearing capacity and is used in areas under high pressure and stress are used. Most of the production of this material is provided by Kermanshah province.

Common use of this material is in the composition of bitumen, which is done in countries such as China, India and Iran and we all know that bitumen plays a huge role in the structural insulation of buildings. This mineral bitumen is used in oil well drilling cements, asphalt modifiers and casting sand additives.

By combining gilsonite in roof sheets ingredients, it increases the resistance of isogum to heat and creates a homogeneous and resistant coating. Gilsonite also has therapeutic benefits over being a synthetic substance, such as:

  1. Being anti-cancer.
  2. No genetic mutation.
  3. Complies with the Mexican EPA standard for deep well drilling operations.
  4. Compared to coal and fly ash is non-toxic.

Waterproof gilsonite is another type of these products that has a lot of sales and is very suitable for use on the roof of houses and buildings because they protect against water and rain and prevent damage. In the past, it may have been necessary to replace roof grout after a few years, but today with waterproof gilsonite, this problem is completely gone and there is nothing to worry about. It is also much more economical and cost-effective than changing the isogum annually.

Superiority of Buying Natural Gilsonite

Superiority of Buying Natural Gilsonite In this regard, gilsonite exports by this company as one of the most reputable and largest exporters have been able to provide special and quality samples of this product for the domestic market and export market.

Bag bitumen is one of the samples produced in Iran that has the highest sales volume and has attracted many customers throughout Iran and the world. Export of various types of bitumen and natural bitumen powder is one of the services that this company provides for the production and sale of products.

MD and gilsonite powder are exported to many cities and countries in the world at the most reasonable prices. Manufacturers offer a large volume of this product to dear buyers upon request.

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